A surprisingly gorgeous bouquet: Black roses for a wedding?

_MG_1772 A couple of months ago, an Etsy shopper sent me a custom request for a bouquet similar to the ones I made for my bridesmaids in my own wedding, which I have listed in my shop. The bouquets I made for my girls consisted of two dozen paper roses in ivory, paper bag and cement, with one personalized flower I printed with the name of each bridesmaid:


Nyana, my Etsy customer, requested similar bouquets in a "mini" size -- just 6 inches around -- with the addition of black! I wasn't sure what to picture, and definitely had my doubts about black flowers at a wedding, but I am sort of obsessed with how these turned out! I love the size for the bridal party, and the black is SO elegant! Nyana requested "Nyana <3 Miguel" printed on a single rose in each bouquet, which I think is pretty adorable.

I loved these so much I added them to my shop. The flowers listed in my shop are mostly examples of what I can do, and are meant to serve as inspiration, and as samples of different color combinations for custom requests. I can visualize color really well (probably why I'm decent at this!) but I know a lot of people need to see to believe. Since even I doubted the black flowers, I had to take some photos for proof of how elegant they are!


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Nyana's wedding is just a few weeks away, so stay tuned for some photos of the big day!

What out-of-the-box color combination would you love to see? Order today!


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